- 1 pkg Clorox wipes
- 1 box crayons
- 1 box thin markers
- 1 ½ inch 3 ring binder
- 2 boxes Kleenex
- 1 bottle hand sanitizer
- 1 12 pack of pencils
- 1 pkg of cap erasers
1 plastic pencil box
1 1/2 inch 3 ring binder
- 1 composition notebook
- 1 plastic 2 pocket, 3 prong folder
1 box sandwich size Ziploc bags
- 2 boxes crayons
- 2 boxes Kleenex
- 4 black expo dry erase markers
- 1 pencil box
- 1 package Clorox wipes
- 1 pair scissors
- 1 1" 3 ring binder
- 1 box gallon Ziploc bags (boys)
- 1 box sandwich Ziploc bags (girls)
- 1 box nonperishable snacks
- 1 box markers
- 1 pkg glue sticks
- 2 boxes crayons
- 1 pkg Expo markers
- 2 boxes Kleenex
- 1 pkg Clorox wipes
- 1 box crayons
- 1 box colored pencils
- 2 glue sticks
- 1 pkg Ticonderoga #2 pencils (12 count)
- 1 pencil box
- 1 pair scissors
- 1 four pack of Expo markers
- 1 box Kleenex
- 1 box crayons or colored pencils
- 1 crayon or pencil holder
- 12 glue sticks
- 2 highlighters
- 2 boxes of Kleenex
- 1 pkg Clorox wipes
- 2 Expo/dry erase markers
- 1 pkg Ticonderoga #2 pencils
- 1 1" 3 ring binder
- 1 pair scissors
- 2 pink erasers
- 1 box quart size Ziploc bags (boys)
- 1 box sandwich size Ziploc bags (girls)
5th - 6th GRADE
1 Trapper Keeper
1 box crayons
1 zipper pouch for pencils
1 spiral notebook
5 folders with holes
1 box Kleenex
1 pkg Clorox wipes
2 pkg Expo markers (4 count)
- 1 pkg highlighters
2 pkg glue sticks
1 box colored pencils
1 box markers
- 1 pkg blue pens
- 1 pair of scissors
- #2 pencils
Junior High
7th & 8th Grade
- 1 2" 3 ring binder or folders
- 1 box colored pencils or markers
- blue or black pens (need ALL year!)
- pencils (will need ALL year!)
- 4 spiral notebooks (multi-subject)
- index cards
- pencil pouch (for your binder)
- highlighters
- sticky notes